Here you can find some links which can help you to earn some extra interest in case you decide to invest. You would do it incognito (out of my eyes), which means, only you and the platform are able to see who you are and how much would you invest.
Bondster - Bondster is an online platform that connects investors with trustworthy lenders. They bring new opportunities to investors from the general public who can easily and without a deep understanding of the financial markets achieve returns of about 14% p.a. If you decide to invest via Bondster and you use this "ID: 1000005243" as Promocode while your registration, you will get 1% extra interest on your investments for first 90 days. REGISTER HERE.
Brave Browser - Earn BAT cryptocurrency while Browsing. It is literally free money to its users and you can be one of them. Another benefit is saving your time and data because the browser has got ad blocker. DOWNLOAD HERE
Coinmate - My favourite crypto exchange where you can connect directly to your Trezor hardware wallet.
Iuvo Group - You can earn some extra cash also via the Iuvo - Group platform while referring to your friends. START HERE.
Lendermarket - Lendermarket offers a bonus to you. 1% of the net deposited amount for 30 days and up to 3,000 euros. REGISTER HERE.
Mintos - Very huge number of Mintos investors started via referral link that help them to earn extra cash. You can be one of them in case you use this link - https://www.mintos.com/en/l/ref/IW5ADH.
ViaInvest - Earn a 15 EUR bonus while doing registration via this link:https://viainvest.com/users/referfriend/4646477501?utm_source=referaf.
Revolut - Apart of earning money via investing you can also save a lot of money when you travel and need to do money exchange. Revolut is one of the best service in this field and You can also invest in stocks and some crypto with them. Register HERE.