Hi, my name is Ollie and I'm on the way of passive incomes since 2016 and here is my story.


    This was the very first year I heard about income which is called "Passive income". That was the time when I was a member of an international wellness MLM company called Herbalife that provides nutrition and very good education about health in general. They are always talking about passive income that comes from your clients and your team members but the reality is, more you earn more you work in this system. Nothing against this companies, they have their space here and they bring value. Just the chasing people to become members was something that made me leave. And I started to seek those "Passive incomes"

2017 spring

    My very first experience with financial markets was during 2017 when I sent some money via a Bitcoin Wallet to a "Matrix system" that was promising some increasing on our deposits after certain time. That time I had no idea what Bitcoin is. Of course the promise did not happen so I lost my first money in this "investment". What I got from that system was only a useless PDF brochure and nothing else. And first experience. The lost was Eur40. And that time the value of my Bitcoin that left in the wallet was Eur2.

2017 autumn - 2019 spring

    My second and the most painful but also the best lesson giving investment was and international scam that was promising 48% with guarantee in 90 days. I laugh when I see an offer like this nowadays. But that time I believed it is possible. It was an investment somewhere in Asia in some hotels, bars, etc. It was a very sophisticated scam that showed a hotel on Google Maps or Booking com so it was looking real. After this scam finished, the place on Google maps showed only an old filthy building and no more hotel on Booking com. I have no idea why. And that is all I want to know. I started and sent first Eur50 from my Bitcoin wallet mentioned above and I was really surprised the Eur2 that was there turned into Eur52. It increased and I did not know why and it did not matter to me that time as I was having no idea what market cap, hashrate,fomo,etc are. I just saw only the value and knew I can use it. It was looking like MLM scheme that was giving 10% commission from people who are brought to the structure and who started to invest so I said to myself: Let's do it and I bought a membership what provided me the commission when someone under me starts. In the final I was having 50 registrations, but thanks God not everyone started to invest. My "upline" was really happy that time and they were telling me I belong between their best people, etc. And between the words I asked them if they do diversification and they said we don't, it's for nothing. And yes, of course they were happy. Because people under me and even myself started to send more money and the monhtly turnovers were around Eur20k. Only in my network. Can you imagine how much money was stolen via this international scam? And this happens over and over. Once I was asking a professional from police department about this and that person said this: We will not do much or we do nothing in this case because each person is responsible for his own financial literacy and knowledge.

    The company stopped their official payouts and they said it was because of IT problems that never finished. But the members created their own "exchange" and started to buy the numbers from screen for very low ratio, but they were also still bringing new people and new money to the scheme. Of course selling the numbers from the screen for high ratio. :) That time I was a training manager to one coffee start-up till 2018 March when I finished and started with my own cafeteria. It was my first experience with crowdfunding when I collected some money from private investors to start. And yes, I put some pressure on myself to give them money back with interest. And they got it all back. It means I passed thru my first aquisition, but I was still in touch with the upline and that time they were calling me slave because I started to work on my own. Their attitude changed from friendly to gaslighting. The payouts still did not work so I let the numbers from the screen work and was waiting for results and solution. In the final there was a "white horse" which was just a kind of actor who was presenting the company as his own. The reality was very far from this and I do not know who the owners were and I even do not investigate it anymore. What can be interested is the fact during my 8 month period as a cafeteria owner I was living and sleeping in the kid corner of the cafeteria. I survived and it was one of the best period of my life. Total freedom, no boss, no drama, simply, ehm, no shit. And another good moment happened during summer 2018. I met people from GLOCIN company and in June 2018 I started to invest with Glocin with Eur250 and it works for more than 3 and half years already. A few days after closing my cafeteria I had last Eur3 in my account and nothing in my wallet, no food, only water from tap and some coffee for four days. It was not easy but I knew I will have one of the first earnings from Glocin which was Eur10 that time and it helped me to buy some food to survive. And because I knew I will have that earnings, I decided to invest that Eur3 with P2P Mintos platform and it was another good choice. HURRAY !!!

    The Glocin members teached me many new things. About Glocin I have a link in the menu. So this all was happening while I was still a member of that international scam company. In the final I just stopped contacting the upline people and I'm very grateful for that experience. I'm also happy they left me alone too :)

    This scam cost me around Eur2000. The cafeteria cost me around Eur40000, but I do not regret it because I learned a lot about communication with authorities and some things from administration. And I can tell you, it's not that difficult as it can look. Money comes, money goes. I also learned to work 24 hours a day because my desire to keep the cafeteria going was so strong so I was working as night security apart. We live now and there is nothing else than now. Of course it's better to live with money than not. And we all want to be millionares even when some of us say no.

2019 summer - 2022 February

    This time period I found a platform that was developing skill about crypto and they were offering even some returns on our crypto. It was 6% p.a. (per year) so I said to myself this. They offer only 6% and they develop their members in this field so it will be probably save. Well, I was wrong again :D At least, the platform provided some education. The total loss was around Eur500. The good thing is I started to use more than one crypto exchange and that time I started to learn more about crypto from Youtube professionals, books and others so that made me to invest in crypto in way to keep it under only my control so I got a hardware crypto wallet that provides the highest form of security for crypto holders (in crypto slang HODLERS). So that is another positive and still working kind of investment that teached me a lot about not only crypto but even how money works, about some history , transactions, etc. This time period I started with another P2P platform called PeerBerry which is one the best on the markets in my opinion. During summer 2020 I started with stocks as for now last type of investments. I did not understand how the stock market works at all so I said to myself to avoid that to avoid another losses and I believe it was correct and good decision. Actually the development in crypto brought me to stocks and first investment in stocks was when I bought some shares of company that I work for. So after short time I saw my first dividend and slowly started to learn about criterias and what are for example S&P500, etc. HURRAY AGAIN !!!

    Another fail but not in scam was between November 2020 and January 2021 when I got an opportunity in sport betting guided by a professional bookmaker. What was said was he is making the betting his living for many years. So I said ok, let's do it for three months and we will see what will happen. The numbers were clear and they showed me around 75% loss on the capital that was used for this, so I left. That was my last very bad decision and since that time my portfolio is growing and the value is more than Eur4000. So I can finally say it works and I'm really looking forward to the future to see new opportunities and results. HURRAY, HURRAY, HURRAY !!!

2022 End of the April

    I finally started with investing in DeFi. At the moment in Liquid mining that I consider still as such pieneering area which can be very risky. The benefit is, it helped me to get one of my dreams done. And the dream was to invest in a big project in financial sector. I'm not gonna share what project it exactly is in this section. But you can see it as part of my Portfolio. I'm super excited about what will happen because the stats that I saw are really interesting. So, yes, this is another part of my portfolio and "invest-story".

2022 May

    Well, the1 1st DeFi experience is not the good one :). My crypto in SafePal wallet was stolen, so this is another very good experience. And what more happened? I started with investing in Art, so we will see where it will lead.

2023 - August 2024 May

    The year of 2023 was extreme in my point of view. I Sold most of the portfolio because I was without income from a job. But I did something positive - I decided to start with a Youtube channel to share the knowledge via videos. And now - August 2024 - I dediced to start to hold Ethereum. Thinking about buying anothe piece of artwork.

DISCLAIMER: None of the informations shared on this website is a financial advise.

Copyright From Failures To Growth (Earn More With Ollie) 2022

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