Corporate Socialism
Try to imagine a hospital without medical equipment or firefighters without their equipment. Simply "system" units that can not do anything when need. And imagine yourself in a situation when you need help in this case. Would you be happy when nobody can help you?
Could it happen? Of course, for example when a company that is producing healthcare equipment has not enough people because of not enough capital to pay them, etc.
So what can happen? A stronger company can buy them or "The System" can take an action and start with "sanitazing". But usually we live in a world where "something for something". What it means in this case? High percentage of the companies would become goverment property and public money are used to run them. At least from certain percentage. Many times, employees can be very angry because of for example lowering their salaries, when crysis. So, it should be our duty to teach people to think out of the box. Why? Because when an individual understands, then higher percentage of the society understands too. It's like a laverage/compound effect. Still they have chance to work and the employment we can call "artificial". And it happens more and more. In Japan, USA, German companies too. The question is where it will end? New world socialism or harmony? Who knows.
In the pure capitalistic way of thinking it would not make any sense because the stronger survises only and the one who doesn't have enough, is usually the one who is finished. In case of useless products it makes sense. But in case of products that can help us to survive or to help us to discover new things, it is very very useful and in my opinion absolutely fine. Sometimes I see opinions about corporations, how bad they are and they don't pay enough and blablabla. The question is. Does anyone force you to watch TV or swearing and doing nothing when you are finished from work? What did you do for yourself or the world to make it better today? And what is your vision? Do you want to develop a submarine that is able to carry number of people like an ordinary bus to do an underwater tour more than 6000 meters under the sea top to see a creature that is considered as dead for million years? By the way, in Satanic Bible is written: Work hard on yourself to be better and after the ones around you are better too.
So this is about corporate socialism and I mixed all together as always but I still believe it can be beneficial for each of you, the readers.