© Across The Ocean Bridge
This is probably nothing new to anyone because we have many long bridges which are already built between islands.
I'm just listening Ministry album called - Dark Side of The Spoon - and thinking how to write this article.
Anyway, why I still think about bridges? Maybe it's such a connection, like between places, nations, people, ideas or visions. And they have usually only two ends/beginnings. And both sides must be willing to build the connection, right? If not, there is no bridge and then no anything. But let's finish the psychological aspect of this and let's have a look at the philosophy of the Across The Ocean Bridge.
The idea would be placed between Europe and North America. It would look like such a network which leads from Europe to North America and to get to Britain, it would include a fork to have one more "branch". That's why fork. The picture below is probably more clear than the text.
So a bridge a few thousands kilometres long.
The ocean is deep so probably there would not be pillars that can support the constructions. So how to do it ? What about swimming islands that allow the drivers to rest and even to recharge or refuel their vehicles. It could be even a train bridge or mix. Sidewalk for pedestrians? I would be lazy to walk it but why not :)
And ok, so if there is a bridge which is not stable because the sea is moving. How to do it? We know to keep a helicopter or a drone at one place for long time. Or maybe a GPS module could be used to keep the position of the islands. I believe we have technologies that are able to do this already.
And again solar energy, water and wind energy could be used to maintain the bridge. Self-sufficient bridge? And because it would be so long, then there would be at least little number of towns or just something like motels to let the people, who would maintain it, to stay there. Something like an oil rig for example. This is actually nothing new when we see the modern history and some projects which were projected in reality. This would be just probably much bigger one.
How many people could maintain a bridge like this? Thousands for sure. It would be the technical staff, the hospitality staff. Long-term of course. Some of the artificial islands could be used as ports, or there can be even one or two as resorts or station for scientist.
What could be the results of a project like this? Definitely faster connection and easier logistic between Europe and North America. New work places, maybe new invents and technologies would be discovered. It could be even a good let's say test of international cooperation. Probably all the world cooperation. And it could even lower the accidents on the sea because it would be so high bridge to protect itself from the huge waves that are destroying ships.
Would it be possible or is it only a fairy tale vision? I believe something like this could happen once in future. And maybe this is not 1st time someone shares an idea like this. But why not? More ideas, more solutions and it can help us built something good in my opinion.
And yeah, imagine one more road leading to Bermuda triangle. Of course accessible only for those who like to take a big risk :)
So this is another short article about another vision that I keep on my mind for years and now I just decided to share it with you, the reader. I believe you enjoyed the reading. Maybe as such an entertainment or such a therapy that can help you to keep walking thru your life.