© Device State concept together with its contitution.
A lot of time passed since I was thinking about a concept of a new state. Maybe something similar was found already but maybe not.
The concept of the state or country would be the country it self and the land would be a device, which is property of a normal person. Nowadays we have many different legal entities which are registered only under one address and it is somethig very very normal. So why to don't make a for laptor a country. There is cybersecurity that can be let's say army or better to say protector or defender of the data. If something. And if no need to protect the data, it can be used to help others to develop new project as cooperation with other computers. You know, something like email system or even the DeFi system, etc. Just higher level. Maybe it exists already.
It will sound probably very mad or maybe like someone could say such a schizofrenic idea because this is totally against the system of authorities. Meaning when doctor tells you, you're gonna die in 1 year and you blindly listen to him, you will probably die. If you don't follow this, let's say dogma, you have very high chance to survive and heal yourself. Yes, placebo effect is very strong energy. Thanks for the fact we have people around who want to really help and not only seeing profits from things that can help us in short-term meaning but in long-term meaning, they can be very dangerous. It should be our responsibility to accept the fact we must do something 1st at all and we must face the process of healing/growing or anything else. But this is probably something that is not that comfortable for our (not)always sustuinable system. Just to explain you that not everyone is same and we have many talented people around, who are just diging for others, who even don't let them to think because they are scared of people who think. Why? It's called ego and fear of loss. Would not be better to start to listen people around?
Noone, icluding me, is that smart that we maybe think we are. So small compare to universe. Oh yeah, as always, another philosophical moments and let's continue.
The benefits of the concept of a "Device state" could be this:
- What is in your computer, is only yours and you are 100% responsible for this and nobody has control over it - so nothing new.
- You have your own tax system or system that is managing all the money flows or cash flows - something like a perpetum mobile in dynamic version. - Probably nothing new too.
- It can be a new concept of the world order - maybe in 1000 years something like NWO
- You can say - everything what is in my computer, is under my own units, so there is something like for example tax free country.
- If you brake the rules of this system, you pay penalties.
And now, let's have a look at the 1st concept of the constitution of this country and it starts with the penalties. Why with penalties? Probably because 1st at all we need to find the way how to keep everything working and under control. By the way the motivation by fear is prohibited by law. However, all of us break many laws everyday even without knowing it. So, no problem :)
So, the constitution would be:
The 1st constitution for the "Device state" could be looking like this:
1st law - All breakfasts must be bananas and bananas only. If not, the penalty will be 5 apples.
2nd law - If anyone will be catched outside without at least one banana in his/her pocket he will get penalty 10 apples.
3rd law - If you drive a car which is not looking like a banana you will get penalty up to 50 apples.
4th law - Eating apples at public places is strictly prohibited. If anyone will be catched, the penalty will be 25 bananas.
Would you like this concept? I'd like to give penalties in this way to earn bananas :D