© RAIN-DROP ELECTRO solution - Macro and Micro aspect.
Well, the green energy is huge topic nowadays and it makes huge sense.
Have you ever been thinking about electricity which can be made from rain drops and in the final even from sweat drops if we would talk about "nanosolution"?
Probably yes. And the solution can be so simple and maybe it's found already, I really don't know but I would like to share this concept because it can be beneficial as model which is the "microsolution" when each drop is catched by little turbines and after the energy from the turbines is sent to a battery and after to the user. Like those little windmills that are charging batteries for some small technologies.
And after the solution as "macrosolution" which can very bery real and I believe it exists already or this can help the society to built it in the very near future. How would it work?
A cone is catching rain water, something similar to pipe system which is used to avoid water which is falling on people when walking under the roofs and the end of the pipe would be a turbine which would make electricity. So this is very simple solution. Actually similar to river dam plants just in smaller version for example for buildings like shopping malls or even family houses.
But this is something clear. Ok, we make this solution and after what? We have electricity that eighter we can sell for example abroad, or we can help the price to be lower because we have batteries full of energy. Another thing is, when some countries have dry seasons and heavy rain comes, the drainage system is not able to catch all the water because it's full of dust from the top of the system. Yes, of course you probably ask about the water which falls directly onto the streets and it makes sense. BUT, the water which is on the roofs, especially in metropolitan areas is a very huge percentage of the water and even the area it-self. So the water that would be used to produce the elecricity could be sent to rivers or sea by another pipe system, which means the "Floods" would not be that drastical or it could be recycled and used again together with a pump system.
So this is my opinion about this and down below you can see the solution. I believe you enjoyed the reading and it was at least little benefitial to you and another article is coming.