© Pyramid of Life Concept
It's Sunday 1st May - the month of love and it's time for another concept which is called Pyramid of life.
Why this name? Well, it's simple. The Pyramid of Life concept is a concept of a little town which could be inside of a huge pyramid made of glass - solar glass walls, and together with this technology would come a condensation technology which could bring this Pyramidal town fully "automatic" which means, at least 2 sources of energy and one of them would even source of water. PYramid is also known as the strongest energetical source. And as we know the Sun will die and it will become a little dark star. Of course in many many years, but before that will be problem, because the Sun will be too hot. So this can be one of the solutions that could help us to survive in those very very unhuman conditions. If we don't find or create another planet which, in my opinion, could happen.
In the middle - "Main square" - would be hospital, schools, just system departments, because, if we are safe, then we can help others. Exactly like in an airoplane. First we get oxygen and after our kids. Who would take care of our kids when we are without oxygen?
Then the "Square No.2" would be "filled" by venues and shopping malls (now it depends of course on the complet size of this project and some parks. The "3rd Square" would include apartment areas together with some playgrounds for kids, etc. And the last one- the "Field Square" - would include farms to supply this "organism" by food.
What about the transportation? We know already we can use air as source of power for cars or anything else. So there would be "tram system" and even car system. But the car system only for Square No.3 an No.4. No.1 an No.2 would be car free to safe the space. Cars - only the emergency and trams that would bring for example kids to school.
So this is about the pyramid of life concept, as I want to share something that can be easy to understand and I believe it could be done even nowadays but the size would be huge. The pyramid area would at least 900 m2. But it is only 30x30 km so to make somewhere in Sahara for example shout not be problem :)))
I believe You enjoyed reading about this concept and another concept is on its way.