Our recent corporate system is well known as "Octopus" which controls media, money, gun procution, healtcare, food industry. It all makes sense but only one thing does not. War.
Yes, someone could say it is part of the economical circle or when we do researching to collect data in chaos where many of us simply disapear, because who cares about a few numbers?
Dear reader, it seems that this model is being slowly but surely replacing the one which is here. And let's be honest, the computing power knows to deal with numbers much faster than us, people, and it could help us to avoid inflation which leads to wars and poverty.
We have some countries that use already cryptocurrencies and someone could say - but those countries using crypto officialy are such banana countries. Listen, don't touch my favorite food, ok? :)
What would be the "CryptoCorporate" looking like? Right now, some of the cryptoproject are here to help us to develop many different projects, which means we are solving problems as same as classical companies deal with metals, grain, etc. This is controlled by the classical corporate system. And some of the problems we simply can't solve with previous technologies. That's why we should cooperate.
Imagine a layer over the classical system which is controlling for example plant watering (its exists already). It can be driven by a computer. To check and count the humidity of the soil and if not enough, the network would send a cloud that can be miles away. For example to make desert a green land. So this is influencing weather as well. And it would have to be count by computer network that would be full of nodes which would say yes or no this is essential or not. So they would have create new consensus - an order. And it would be funded by cryptocurrencies. We have projects like this already.
So, this could be the "CryptoCorporate" concept. An artificial corporation that would take care of the things. Something like analogy to IoT, just CCoT - CryptoCorporate of Things.
Is this idea beneficial to you? Have it got an idea on your mind? Share your thoughts in "FORUM" and BTW. If you are hacking my ideas, you can, you're behing already and I would be glad to see this somewhere in the future world anyway :)