© A Little Bit Of Mathematics
During last month, I was watching some C++ online lessons. Well, my head was like a baloon. Just waiting for taking of :) And I really admire a lot those, who understand this kind of engineering. Because in my opinion, it's like real top art skill.
But why I'm writing this article?
You maybe know a mathematical formula called "Fibonacci formula". This mathematical pattern is applied by nature for example on certain flowers as sunflowers. The nature is amazing, right?
This formula inspired me to "play" with numbers to create its variation.. JUat for fun to do a simple neocortex excercise as it is just simple counting. Well, what a baloon my head was again when trying to find the corrects results.
So, what have I found? After several lines of the counting, there is a number which is always repeating itself. Eighter positively or negatively. And it happens each 4th line.
This result is brought after I mixed a few 1st lines on purpose. Maybe it is something new or not. I really don't know. Maybe it could be fun to someone who is reading this word. And why not ? :) And mabye it would have no use at all. But (another) maybe, it could be used as a pattern for a niew kind of motor which would be using a new kind of mathematical circle, I really have no idea. What about you?
So, I just wanted to share this with you, readerm to let you know about this :) Share you opinions in "FORUM".