© Our Limited Will
There is a motivational quote which says we can have everything we want
I've never heard biggest bullshit. Ever :)
Yes, esoterics is business only and nothing more. Business that is letting you to pay money that you earn hard or smart to use your strongest emotion - HOPE
It is very important to believe in anything. To have flying head and feet down to earth.
Esoterics is simply like a dirty, hypocritical priest telling you to pray to the God, who is artificial as same as the logo that you can see at the top of this page. To help you, pray to yourself.
Dear reader, I have to dissapoint you. God will never help you because it was created by a maniac, who want to have a brutal power over your thoughts. Which will lead you to your worst version. Do you remember that song from Pink Floyd and its lyrics? "We don't need no thought control."
BTW, intelligence of a crowd is lower than intelligence of an individual.
And can you feel the heat which is passing through your body after the time when being angry sometimes? That means, we are alive :)
Well, this was my short manipulative article opening and now, let's talk about the limited will.
As we already said, we are not able to reach everything we want. But we can reach a lot.
It's a process, step by step, one by one.
A good example of our limits can be some learning of a new skill when many times we are getting sleepy or we are not able to remember the new skills after long hours. It is not because our memory is not enough or we are not intelligent enough. The will is simply limited. An example is doing an excercise to learn something for one hour only. And for the rest of the day, our will is not able to accept new information, it's simply finished/empty, se we need to recharge it until next day.
So, do not worry, you are enough and you are able to ge the things done but not all in one short time period. Be more gentle to yourself and if anyone would yell on you, simply spit to his face :)