© Just Say NO !
I receive a lot of offers from those who promote those ultra fantastic investments, that save their lives and no idea what more, almost every day.
Yeah, ok, it could be helpful and it can bring some experience and maybe even education as long as those provide education and some benefits apart of increasing your capital. BUT.
First at all, I'm an ultra open minded personality and trust me or not, I'm the one who hates dogma. Even my own signature changes in time as same as our own personality does because we are in the final only dynamic entities.
Like this. When I ask you a simple question and you are not able to answer in a few seconds without using google, I'm sorry but no. It's good to to search the thing for your growth and learning new information. But do you really think, I would accept an offer like this? No matter how big and great all the ads are. I don't know everything too, but come on :)
The funny/sad thing is, many, many highly educated and very intelligent people lose money because they invest in things that they have absolutely no idea about. Or, and that is mayby worse, playing with one card only. Learn to take a calculated risk. You can see my own example in my own story a couple of years ago. Do you really want to become like this?
Yes, it is understandable to do part-time business and I support it. And why not? One earns, anothe loses. That's how the reality on markets is and it works for ages like this. But most of the people who you talk to via this guerilla marketing strategies are at least a little bit educated. Not opposite.
I hate those marketing lies and pretending something we are not. When will this change to normal human behaviour? Or do you really think the 1st impression is everything? We have one name only. Keep this on your mind.
I know this is like fighting against God's windmills.