© Crypto Wins Over And Over
During last days, one of the biggest banks in the world, JPMorgan, said, they support Bitcoin.
So, again, an institution like this supports crypto in general, because Bitcoin is crypto. And we still can meet individuals, who are speaking about ponzi schemes, scam or about not valuable virtual thing. Yes, for example metaverse ala Matrix is total nonsense to keep masses, which don't want to think, quiet. But Bitcoin is completely different thing. It's a monetary technology as same as money that we know nowadays. Because money is nothing else than technology that helps us to get things without arguing. And yes, we need things to live, to develop our talents and to simply have better lives.
You should stop to live in middle age and you should accept the fact, that crypto is, was and will be here together with other assets, which you consider as OK ones. And even your FX stuff is nothing else than asset. And what more? The numbers are clear. So, please, try to avoid your stubborn mood at least in this sector.
And yes, crypto is valuable. There are people, developers or the network keepers. OR do you think, these very smart people have no value? And what about the technology behind? It includes probably more gold than some coutries :)
And you wanna say, it's a big energy consumer? Bank system with all its technologies and paperworks probably doesn't consume anything. Or does it?
Yes, true, there are many "crypto shitheads", who go againt the "normal" system or the world as we know nowadays. But it would be better to sit over cup of tea or coffee to cooperate, don't you think so?
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