© ... and what about blooming?
During last days, my oleander which I have since last year, when I stole it by cutting a branch from a public place, started to bloom. Hell yeah, I'm a criminal :)
It will look like a gardening lesson now, but later in this text, I will share, why talking about blooming.
So, 1st at all, we take the stolen cutting and we place it into clean water. Why? To let it sprout its roots. And what after? Before "The after", we need to check, if the sprouts are out or not and when they are out, then "The after" comes. "The after" is simply a process of placing the sprouted cutting into the soil. And what now? Now, we need to take care of the cutting in the soil, to wait for some time for its blooms. The time we are not able to predict because everything has its own time. It can take years. For example, my oleander started to bloom after 1 year.
And now, why this? Let's think about this as it's an analogy to our personalities.
As same as the flower needs time to bloom and we must take care of it, the same we should apply in our lives. And it is very logical, but we don't practice this usually. If we wanna bloom, 1st at all, we must think the best version of us. We must want 100% of 100%. Not 99% ir 98% only. As same as a woman can not get pregnant from 99% only :)
And now a cliché question - Where do you want to be in 5 years? Choose between 1 and 100.
Do you choose less than 100? If yes, forget about blooming :) I would choose 120, becasue only those, who are setting their goals high, can perform progress. Or would you like to stay in the same position for all the rest of your life?