© The morning/evening program society
I went to swim yesterday. Just to change the routine from running and to enjoy a beautiful views around the beach. And when I was on my way back, I realised one thing. The difference between traffic at 6AM and 7AM.
From minute to minute, the street were full of cars driven by angry and in ultra hurry mood people. Why? Who does force you to do that?
We are simply robots. The time is like a button, installed on our mind which is full of nonsense programs. When 7, we must leave our homes. When 12, we must eat. When not eating strictly healthy, we definitely are gonna die earlier in pain. So, why we don't change it? Because others say this is normal, and when we don't meet these requirements, then we would be weird and we would get a black point from our fake friends?
The advice for you: "Fuck those brainwashed criples. Fuck the system which brainwashes us since we are kids. Fuck the general opinions." Why? Becasue general opinions produce general society. And what is general society? Poor, sick, powerless. And one more atribute - full of excuses. For instance, I will start after this or that. It leads nowhere.
I guarantee you, there will be an incredible idiot, who will start before you'll be ready from all the preparations and you will give up, because you would not be able to stand the fact, that he is further than you are. And you will get back to the 7AM traffic program.
Why? Because to make the mindset plastic costs time, energy and it is not easy. Usually we do it together with that 7AM program. So, most of you, readers, would stay like a rubber - elastic mindset. Pulling the rubber and after some time getting the rubber back to its size. Yeah, using neocortex and its plasticity is incredible and beautiful thing but it's not for everyone.
And now, I'm really curious what will be the thing which will make me mad again to share another thoughts. Yes, anger could be the motivation.