© Flying UV Roof
Have you ever tried to place you arm under a UV lamp? No, don't do it, because your hair will be burned immediatelly.
And now imagine what UV from Sun does to our planet and to us. We already know the effect on our skin that cause skin cancer or very painful burns. The same happens to our animals or plants. They don't die because of the heat but because they burn from the UV. This topic is here for ages and there are many solutions how to hide from this very harmful energy.
And I'm thinking about another solution which can use the drone technology, together with solar technology installed on elastit, intelligent materials which can survive in our atmosphere
What would be this solution/technology? Imagine a flying roof which would be really large and having black color. Something similar to perfect blackbody object just in flat shape. How could it be flying? Well, it's easy. It will be carried by drones which will be charged by solar energy and will be kept at certain place by GPS. The "Flying Roof" will be at least 10x10km large which is a huge project. Or it could be a network made by smaller roofs which would be maybe easier to produce.
This technology could have more benefits. 1st catching the UV light. 2nd it will create a shadow under it, so it will help us to cool our planet. 3rd the roof will be covered by solar panels, so it will produce some elecricity.
How to get the electricity down to ground? Well, some batteries could be installed on it and from time to time they could be changed. Or wireless technology, which we already use to charge our phones sometimes.
So, yeah, that's one of my ideas about how to save our planet and the tea vs coffee article is still not ready yet:)