© The Understanding of Achieving a Dream
During last months, I passed via stopping coffee and after that I used it for 2 days in row. I can tell you, the thoughts without coffee and after it are complete opposite. When drinking coffee, my thoughts are brutally aggresive, angry and also they are extremely dark and I really don't like the pictures which my brain creates after that drink. And compare to this, we can talk about tea. 1st at all, tea supports thinking. 2nd there is less caffeine in it, so the mind is not blowing. At least this is the effect which I feel. So, this is the article "Coffee vs Tea" and now, let's have a look at another phylosophical words.
As reader, you can see, that I build such an investment portfolio. And it is not big at all and for many people, the value of it, is maybe less than their monthly salary. So, it could look funny. But yes, this is the reality. Let's call it a nanocompany, which grows and being funded from a private pocket. The business is called GRUNCH Inv, Corp. Grunch means "Grilled lunch." And I have found it when having a phone call with some members of one organization, where I'm a member.
It could look like it's a lot of money, which can be used for holiday or in case of just a few days before salary left and there is no money for food for example. Yes, to don't use it when emergency, we can call it as brutal discomfort, punishing usself. Actually I believe, the opposite is the truth. Look at people from older generations. What disasters they survived.
But ask yourself, would you sell a shelf which is at your own shop and which is used as a screen for the products that you sell?
So yeah, this is exactly why many people, who build something, have in the final nothing. They are on strict budget and the question is - What is more? A job with salary which is usually worth of tips or bones, or certain freedom, paid by moments, which are not comfortable sometimes?
"A vision is a world, which yet doesn't exist." This is what I learned. And many times, this is the only motor for us, because we live in reality around us, but our mind can see completely different world.
And as you maybe know, the brain doesn't know, what reality is. The brain only can see a picture which we imagine. And I guarantee you, that your vision board works from 100% perfectly.